Latest Essays

Product Leadership: interview with Vaibhav Sahgal, Head of Growth at Reddit
Product Leadership: interview with Vaibhav Sahgal, Head of Growth at Reddit
Pricing experiments and how they can help your business increase revenue
Pricing experiments and how they can help your business increase revenue
Product Leadership: Interview with Director of Product Management at Twitter
Product Leadership: Interview with Director of Product Management at Twitter
Setting up event tracking for a mobile app
Setting up event tracking for a mobile app
How game developers can leverage the hidden potential of their data
How game developers can leverage the hidden potential of their data
This little-noticed change in iOS 13 can put an end to Calm’s 1B valuation and make the App Store better
This little-noticed change in iOS 13 can put an end to Calm’s 1B valuation and make the App Store better
Rolling retention, Day N retention, and the many facets of the retention metric
Rolling retention, Day N retention, and the many facets of the retention metric
Looking for spikes. How to increase the effectiveness of your dashboard
Looking for spikes. How to increase the effectiveness of your dashboard
Analytics without numbers: viewing products through users’ eyes
Analytics without numbers: viewing products through users’ eyes
ASO optimization in practice: how a game I made over the weekend amassed 2 million downloads
ASO optimization in practice: how a game I made over the weekend amassed 2 million downloads
To reduce your product’s churn rate, first find out why users stay
To reduce your product’s churn rate, first find out why users stay
We launched an app with $500,000 annual run rate—and then Apple killed it and launched a similar feature
We launched an app with $500,000 annual run rate—and then Apple killed it and launched a similar feature
Reading between the lines: what Slack didn’t disclose in its IPO filing
Reading between the lines: what Slack didn’t disclose in its IPO filing