Growth channels

How pricing experiments can help your product increase revenue? How does ASO optimization let you acquire customers? What are the risks of growth models relying on paid marketing?
Compound and exponential growth for product managers
Compound and exponential growth for product managers
Traffic attribution models. Why attribution models need to change along with growth channels, product, business objective and external environment
Traffic attribution models. Why attribution models need to change along with growth channels, product, business objective and external environment
Errors in calculating ROI and unit economics. Impact of attribution models and incrementality on the ROI calculation of marketing channels
Errors in calculating ROI and unit economics. Impact of attribution models and incrementality on the ROI calculation of marketing channels
The hidden risks of growth models relying on paid marketing
The hidden risks of growth models relying on paid marketing
Pricing experiments and how they can help your business increase revenue
Pricing experiments and how they can help your business increase revenue
ASO optimization in practice: how a game I made over the weekend amassed 2 million downloads
ASO optimization in practice: how a game I made over the weekend amassed 2 million downloads