
All about the product: product/market fit, Retention, metrics, unit economics, LTV, cohort analysis, added value, etc. Find out about the basics or go deeper and explore nuanced topics.
Should a product be 10 times better to achieve product/market fit?
Should a product be 10 times better to achieve product/market fit?
How to measure the added value of a product
How to measure the added value of a product
Customer retention levers: task frequency and added value
Customer retention levers: task frequency and added value
Product metrics, growth metrics, and added value metrics
Product metrics, growth metrics, and added value metrics
Product manager skills: evolution of a PM role and its transformation
Product manager skills: evolution of a PM role and its transformation
Addressing user pain points vs solving user problems better
Addressing user pain points vs solving user problems better
Guide to ARPU: formula, calculation example, LTV vs ARPU
Guide to ARPU: formula, calculation example, LTV vs ARPU
Cohort analysis. Product metrics vs growth metrics
Cohort analysis. Product metrics vs growth metrics
How to calculate customer Lifetime Value. The do’s and don’ts of LTV calculation
How to calculate customer Lifetime Value. The do’s and don’ts of LTV calculation
How to forecast key product metrics through cohort analysis
How to forecast key product metrics through cohort analysis
Growing your company through launching a successful product for new audiences
Growing your company through launching a successful product for new audiences
Long-term retention—the foundation of sustainable product growth
Long-term retention—the foundation of sustainable product growth
How launching new products for existing audiences can help grow your company
How launching new products for existing audiences can help grow your company
How to find new markets through value chain analysis
How to find new markets through value chain analysis
Importance of clearly defining the metric. Or why Spotify’s paying conversion rate is not 40%
Importance of clearly defining the metric. Or why Spotify’s paying conversion rate is not 40%
How engagement metrics can be misleading
How engagement metrics can be misleading
What is product/market fit and how to measure PMF
What is product/market fit and how to measure PMF
Rolling retention, Day N retention, and the many facets of the retention metric
Rolling retention, Day N retention, and the many facets of the retention metric
Analytics without numbers: viewing products through users’ eyes
Analytics without numbers: viewing products through users’ eyes
To reduce your product’s churn rate, first find out why users stay
To reduce your product’s churn rate, first find out why users stay