Product management fundamentals

Discover the basics of product management. What is product management and what does a product manager do? How to measure the added value of a product, why product/market fit is not a constant, what types of product work are there, and how the product manager’s role has evolved?

Addressing user pain points vs solving user problems better
Addressing user pain points vs solving user problems better
Product manager skills: evolution of a PM role and its transformation
Product manager skills: evolution of a PM role and its transformation
Product metrics, growth metrics, and added value metrics
Product metrics, growth metrics, and added value metrics
Customer retention levers: task frequency and added value
Customer retention levers: task frequency and added value
How to measure the added value of a product
How to measure the added value of a product
Should a product be 10 times better to achieve product/market fit?
Should a product be 10 times better to achieve product/market fit?
Product/market fit can be weak or strong and can change over time
Product/market fit can be weak or strong and can change over time
Two types of product work: creating value and delivering value
Two types of product work: creating value and delivering value
What is the difference between growth product manager, marketing manager, and core PM
What is the difference between growth product manager, marketing manager, and core PM
Everything you need to know about network effects
Everything you need to know about network effects
The product manager’s guide to North Star Metrics
The product manager’s guide to North Star Metrics